Oriental Rug Cleaning Services in Fort Lauderdale
How to Clean Oriental Rugs?
Oriental rug cleaning is what we do all day long but over the years the rug industry has slightly changed. In today’s time, most of the rugs are still made out of wool, silk, or even a combination of the two. The only thing that has really changed is the design, especially here in South Florida where the design is mostly a modern one with very light colors. When it comes to cleaning white, wool rugs there is no company that can do it better than Oriental Rug Cleaning Ft. Lauderdale.
If you were to come to our plant, you would mostly likely see a bunch of white rugs. We specialize in white rugs ( White Oriental Rug Cleaning Service ) because we know, based on using science, how to get these types of rugs to look new again. Call us and let us impress you!

Colorful Oriental Rug Cleaning by Hand
Rugs, especially Oriental types firmly asserting, are made of wool and handmade via a thorough hand-weaving process designed to bring out colorful, intricate, and highly stylized patterns and designs. These rugs can be hung or strewn on the floor for ornamentation and utility.
When you think of oriental rugs, you imagine carpet-like materials that are thicker in weave and bring Middle Eastern and Asian patterns. The owners of this kind of rug, however, imagine highly-priced ornaments that are expensive to clean but even more expensive to manage or maintain. That is due to the materials usually are natural, soft, and thick, which implies too few resources will not cut it, but too extravagant can ruin the weave and damage the rug.

Oriental Rug Prevention is Better Than Cure
Most people say, “ prevention is better than cure,” so having a clean oriental rug begins by preventing dust from penetrating contact with the rug. If area oriental rugs are strewn on the floor, then slippers and shoes should be left behind outdoors. Also, make sure you leave your Oriental rugs in a conspicuous area but in a location that does not welcome too much business to avert damage and tear.
Rug pet Stain Cleaning should be sent out in regulation or only when required; expert oriental cleaning is also approved for expensive oriental rugs. But the tip is that, knowing when your oriental rugs need cleaning.
Hold in thought those Oriental rugs usually have any level of loose fibers and dust on them. Still, if the rugs are raised, and a slight touch on the backside forms a dust spot, or the rear portion before accumulates specks of dust, cleaning is now required.
Will every valuable thing, you require an expert Oriental rug Cleaning Ft. Lauderdale company that can make this plan for you. Nevertheless, the particular concern should still be taken out consistently. Some tips on how to clean oriental area rugs on your own are described below.
Regular vacuuming should be taken out on each side of the rug because Dust accumulates and sinks into the floor in the most significant states. Stirring up the rug with a brush assistant and vacuum should be done carefully, with care and constant strokes per quadrant. Consistent vacuuming is the water of choice if your oriental rugs are hanged on a wall.
Immediately to Prevent Staining and Odor from Area Oriental Rug
It would help if you always cleaned spills immediately to prevent staining and odor from seeping in the weave. The more extended the spills or stains stay in the rug, the more challenging the shades are to eliminate or the smell to drive away. It would be best to run the damaged area with cold water, take care to wet and treat detergent, or shampoo only the affected area. Any resolution used should be washed as suggested since leaving a solution for a longer time can bleed or discolor the weave. After cleaning your rugs, it is necessary to spot dry the afflicted area with a towel. After that, keep the wool suspended in a well-ventilated location until moisture is reduced from the rug.
If your oriental rugs are kept in storage, the rugs should not be folded but rolled after that, wrapped with clean and dry stuff made of clothing, and kept in a dry box with some moth crystals.

Using airtight containers or plastic materials is a definite no-no because plastic stuff can trap moisture, which can trigger mildew, and the rugs need a bit of circulating air. Overall, keep in mind that Oriental area rug cleaning requirements were not high if appropriately managed.
For more information on oriental area rugs cleaning Ft. Lauderdale, you can also call them on 954-978-5737
Oriental Rug Cleaning FAQ
How Do I Determine When it is Time To Clean My Oriental Rugs?
You can determine when to clean your oriental rugs whenever you notice a cloud of dust. If you see dust, then that means your rug needs cleaning. You can also determine by folding a corner of your rug over, with the flipside facing you. By doing so, you can see the crevices where your vacuum cannot reach. If you spot debris and dust there, then your rug needs immediate cleaning.
What Age Classification is Given To Oriental Rugs?
Age classification of oriental rugs is categorized into four; Oriental rug that is designed within the last decade is typically considered ‘Used.’ Oriental rugs that fall within ten to fifty years old are termed ‘Semi-Old.’ The next age classification of Oriental rug is between twenty and ninety-nine years, which are referred to as ‘Old’ while the last age classification of Oriental rug is between thirty to ninety-nine years. It is referred to as ‘Semi-Antique.
How Do You Clean a Dusty Oriental Rug?
The first thing you need to know is that the size of your dusty oriental rug will determine how it should be: if your Oriental rug is large, then you need to follow these guidelines:
- You need to place your large oriental rug on a waterproof flat surface.
- Bring out your sponge, use commercial Oriental rug cleaning foam onto the surface and massage softly, rinse and vacuum.
- Dry your large oriental rug very well on a flat surface before place black in use.
- For a small dusty Oriental rug, follow this below tip:
- You can carry your small oriental outside and shake it very well, then pat it energetically to remove grime and dirt.
- You can also put your small oriental rug into the washing machine and cleaned it at home. Though, you need to check the manufacture label before taking this step.
What is The Best Way To Clean Oriental Rug?
It would be best to seek an expert Oriental rug cleaner’s service if you are looking for the best way to clean your Oriental rug. A reputable Oriental rug cleaner can clean your rugs with the utmost care it needs. They spot test all oriental rugs first and check for dye-fastness. They use environmental-friendly cleaning solutions to clean Oriental rugs before making them ready for delivery.
Benefits Of An Oriental Rug Hand Cleaners?
Oriental rug hand cleaners offer top-notch cleaning services. As an Oriental rug hand cleaner, we go beyond a regular vacuum. We use tools and equipment that will disinfect and clean your oriental rugs perfectly, establishing a hygienic atmosphere for you and your friends and your family in no time!